Saturday, January 15, 2011

Still waiting...

Had the C-T scan of my chest Wednesday morning, but have not heard the results. So I'm still waiting to begin the methotrexate.

I'm doing fine most days with two prednisone in the mornings. My afternoons and evenings are relatively good and the weather has been perfect for spending a couple of hours outdoors each day.

I've had two delightful days - playing with Gavin on Thursday and visiting with a dear friend and having Nick, Kristin, Gavin and Addisyn for dinner last evening, but I was exhausted early and after sleeping nearly 10 hours last night (though fitfully), I knew it would be a 3 prednisone day today as soon as I got out of bed.

I decided to push through the pain and stiffness and go on a short walk. I wanted to see how the penny royal faired the frost and freezes this week, and I hoped that walking would work out the kinks, but I was only able to walk about 1/4 of a mile before the cramps in my toes made it too difficult to continue. Maybe when it warms up a bit I can walk further this afternoon.

I'm heavy-hearted these days for friends and family who are suffering with pain and grief and brokenness that puts my aches and pain in perspective. It is a beautiful day and I praise God for the multitude of good things in my life.


  1. Continuing to pray for you. Keep the great attitude. Glad to hear you were able to walk some.
