Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Poco a poco...

Once upon a time, I was a registered nurse and the nurse administrator for a hemodialysis center in a rural community. Because of my past experience in hemodialysis and administration in another community, I'd been recruited by the medical director to hire and train staff and get the dialysis center off the ground. From renovating a building near the hospital to the first day we began out-patient treatments, it was a slow and tedious process. "Poco a poco. Little by little," the medical director often commented during those early organizational days when nothing seemed to happen fast enough.

It's the perfect description for the progress I'm making these days, as well...but it's progress. My liver enzymes are back to normal and two weeks ago I started a new medication - leflunonomide. So far, so good. When I increased the dosage from 1/2 to 1 tablet daily after ten days as prescribed, I was also supposed to decrease the prednisone back down to 3 5-mg tablets - but I don't think I'm ready to do that yet. Soon.

Until this morning, Louis was still getting me up at 4:00am and the routine has been the same, except I've noticed over the past week that it has been less and less painful, and I've been able to stop using the walker earlier and earlier each day. I went to church this past Sunday, and yesterday morning I didn't need the walker, at all. This morning, I only needed it for a short time, when I got up by myself at 4:30 after Louis had already gone to work.  

Progress. Poco a poco - but progress.